Thursday, May 8, 2014

LeetCode: Spiral Matrix II

Given an integer n, generate a square matrix filled with elements from 1 to n2 in spiral order.

For example,
Given n = 3,

You should return the following matrix:
 [ 1, 2, 3 ],
 [ 8, 9, 4 ],
 [ 7, 6, 5 ]

We can use the solution to Spiral Matrix to help solve this problem by creating the matrix first and fill each spot while spiral traversal

C++ Code:

 * func: spiral_matrix_helper
 * goal: recursive helper function to generate spiral matrix
 * @param matrix: matrix to be filled
 * @param start_row: current row
 * @param start_column: current column
 * @param row_bound: row bound
 * @param column_bound: column bound
 * @param value: start value for this round
 * reutrn:
void spiral_matrix_helper(vector<vector<int>> &matrix, int start_row, int start_column, int row_bound, int column_bound, int &value){
    //All elements are already added
    if(start_row >= row_bound || start_column >= column_bound){
    //There is only one row
    if(start_row + 1 == row_bound){
        for(int i = start_column; i < column_bound; ++i){
            matrix[start_row][i] = value++;
    //There is only one column
    if(start_column + 1 == column_bound){
        for(int i = start_row; i < row_bound; ++i){
            matrix[i][start_column] = value++;
    //Add upside row
    for(int i = start_column; i < column_bound; ++i){
        matrix[start_row][i] = value++;
    //Add rightside column
    for(int i = start_row+1; i < row_bound; ++i){
        matrix[i][column_bound-1] = value++;
    //Add bottom row
    for(int i = column_bound-2; i >= start_column; --i){
        matrix[row_bound-1][i] = value++;
    //Add leftside column
    for(int i = row_bound-2; i > start_row; --i){
        matrix[i][start_column] = value++;
    //Continue for the inner matrix
    spiral_matrix_helper(matrix, start_row+1, start_column+1, row_bound-1, column_bound-1, value);

 * func: generate_spiral_matrix
 * goal: generate a spiral matrix contaning n*n numbers
 * @param n: the total elements number
 * return: spiral matrix
vector<vector<int> > generate_spiral_matrix(int n){
    if(n <= 0){
        vector<vector<int> > result;
        return result;
        vector<vector<int> > result(n, vector<int>(n, 0));
        int start_value = 1;
        spiral_matrix_helper(result, 0, 0, n, n, start_value);
        return result;

Python Code:

# func: Create a square matrix with elements from 1 to n*n in spiral order
# @param n: input size n
# @return: a list of lists of integers
def generate_matrix(n):
    if n <= 0:
        return []
        result = [[0] * n for _ in xrange(n)]
        value = 1
        row = 0
        column = 0
        row_limit = n-1
        column_limit = n-1
        while True:
            #Upside from left to right
            i = column
            while i <= column_limit:
                result[row][i] = value
                value += 1
                i += 1
            row += 1
            if row > row_limit:
            #Rightside from top to bottom
            i = row
            while i <= row_limit:
                result[i][column_limit] = value
                value += 1
                i += 1
            column_limit -= 1
            if column > column_limit:
            #Bottomside from right to left
            i = column_limit
            while i >= column:
                result[row_limit][i] = value
                value += 1
                i -= 1
            row_limit -= 1
            if row > row_limit:
            #Leftside from bottom to top
            i = row_limit
            while i >= row:
                result[i][column] = value
                value += 1
                i -= 1
            column += 1
            if column > column_limit:

    return result

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